Sharpstown Shines for the Holidays 

In Sharpstown it was GO BIG or GO HOME when it came to holiday lighting.  Many thanks to the volunteers who combed our streets night after night to find the most amazing lights and decorations. There were so many outstanding nominees that some judges couldn’t bring themselves to rule out the runners up. Sec 1…

Board of Director Nominations for 2019

  Board of Director Nominations   In accordance with Article 3 Section 9 The Nominating Committee will identify candidates for election to the officer and director positions. The nominating committee shall present a final proposed list of directors and a final proposed list of officers to the Board published to the membership no later than…

SCA Candidates Night 2018

At the August General Membership Meeting, the SCA hosted a Candidates Night with an opportunity for residents to hear from over 60 candidates for office in the upcoming November Elections.  There was a meet and greet with the candidates and the candidates were also allowed to address the group of residents. Below is a link…

SCA Pet Food Donation

The SCA donated over 240 pounds of dog and cat food to the Interfaith Ministries Animeals on Wheels program thanks to the generosity of many residents at last month’s General Membership Meeting.  The food was collected from residents at the July General Membership Meeting and the food was donated to AniMeals on Wheels.   Here…

Brays Bayou Watershed Meeting

Brays Bayou Watershed Meeting Bond Program Information & Community Engagement   Officials with the Harris County Flood Control District will hold public meetings in each of the county’s 23 watersheds. The purpose of each meeting is to describe projects that could be candidates for funding in the 2018 bond program and to solicit residents’ input…

SCA March Town Hall Meeting Results

The SCA March General Membership Meeting was presented in a Town Hall format.  There were a series of questions with responses from those in attendance.  Members of the audience were invited to reply to the comments with agreement or disagreement.  The results are posted at the link below:   Town Hall Meeting Results